SPC Samlip’s Pokémon Bread Sells Over 1.5 million in a Week…Causing ‘Open Runs’ Race
SPC Samlip announced on the 3rd that its Pokémon Bread series launched on February 24 had sold over 1.5 million in a week.
This is more than six times the average sales volume of SPC Samlip’s new bakery products over the same period. In addition, compared to other kinds of character bread launched last year, this result was achieved as much as one week earlier.
Pokémon Bread went viral and consumers even did ‘open runs’ or dashing into the store as soon as it opens. There are over 4,000 SNS postings about the purchase of Pokémon Bread and some consumers wait for the bread to be delivered at stores from early in the morning.
The best-selling one is ‘Team Rocket Chocolate Roll’, which represents 40% of the total sales volume. It was also the most popular product when Pokémon Bread was first released in 1998. Its popularity continues as the moist texture of this bread has been upgraded. New additions to the Pokémon Bread series created according to the latest trend, such as Pika Pika Moist Cheesecake and Charmander’s Hot Sauce Pang, are also winning great responses from consumers.
Thanks to the positive response from consumers, SPC Samlip will hold the Pokémon Personality Test event to help participants find their Pokémon soulmates until April 8.
The participants can find their best-matching Pokémon characters by answering 14 questions. Those who post their test results on their SNS will be given a chance to enter the Pokémon sticker winning event. Through an instant draw, 3,000 participants will be given the limited-edition Pokémon sticker book for collecting Pokémon stickers.
After the promotional event, SPC Samlip will release a new product in May created through the combination of the flavors of popular Pokémon Bread products based on the Pokémon Personality Test results. The details can be found on SPC Samlip’s official Instagram page.
“The Pokémon Bread series, which made a comeback at consumers’ continuous request for re-launch, went viral among consumers that there has even been in short supply,” said an SPC Samlip official. “We hope that the event we organized in response to consumers’ reaction was an interesting experience that brought back memories of the past.”
Under the concept to ‘bring back the memories,’ the Pokémon Bread lineup consists of not only Ghastly Chocolate Cake and Team Rocket Chocolate Roll, which were also popular in the 1990s, but also Pika Pika Moist Cheesecake, Charmander’s Hot Sauce Pang, Diglett’s Strawberry Custard Bread, Sweet and Crispy Squirtle Bread, and Jigglypuff’s Soft Strawberry Cream Bread, etc.