SPC Samlip Donates Samlip Hopang… ‘The Heart Grows Warm’
SPC Samlip announced on December 20 that it donated Samlip Hopang, a steamed bun stuffed with red beans or vegetables, to firefighters and the underprivileged in the society to help them get through the winter while feeling warmly connected with others. The Hopang is a Korean favorite snack in winter.
As one of its social contribution activities, SPC Samlip gave 15,500 bags of Samlip Hopang to members of 42 institutions in need of heartwarming support in cold winter months, including community children’s centers and associations of the physically disabled. It also donated the food to firefighters to express its gratitude for securing the safety of people. The donation campaign proceeded under the slogan of ‘The Heart Grows Warm,’ which is also the Samlip Hopang theme of this season.
“We donate Samlip Hopang each year wishing people in need feel cared for while passing the cold winter,” an SPC Samlip official said. “We will do various activities for social contribution down the road to fulfill our corporate social responsibility.”
Last year, SPC Samlip paid residential heating costs for salespersons of social enterprise ‘Big Issue’ and also bought them must-have items for the winter season with the proceeds from the sale of its goods, Hopang Fleece.