SPC Holds Monthly Events to Mark Safety Inspection Day



SPC announced that it would hold a joint safety inspection and a labor-management meeting to mark the Safety Inspection Day on February 7, 2023.


Safety Inspection Day is a campaign that has been implemented on the 4th of each month by the Ministry of Employment and Labor and the Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency since April 1996 to spread a nationwide safety culture. SPC decided to hold a monthly event for Safety Inspection Day to strengthen its willingness for safety management and establish a safety management system through labor-management cooperation.


In this event, which will be held in succession from February 3 to February 9, 2023, in production facilities and distribution centers of each affiliate of SPC, including Paris Croissant, SPC Samlip, BR Korea, and SPC GFS, each worksite will undertake such activities as dissemination of safety management willingness and safety training, labor-management meetings, and joint safety inspections between labor and management. In particular, in the joint safety inspection, the ‘integrated safety inspection system app’ which was introduced last month will be used to promote efficient and systematic safety management and training.


An SPC official said, “The safety management day event is to seek more active safety management through communication between labor and management. We will continue to prioritize safety management and put our utmost efforts to build a safety system that sets an example for the industry.”


Meanwhile, SPC held a safety management proclamation ceremony last January and announced its vision and strategy for safety management to create a ‘safe and happy working environment’ by realizing an accident-free workplace, creating a respectful and considerate working environment, and establishing a trusted safety management culture, etc. Through these efforts, the group plans to elevate its safety management system a notch higher and foster a culture of respect and consideration for employees to transform itself into a ‘New SPC’.