SPC Group Provides Emergency Relief Aid for Wildfire-Hit Uljin and Samcheok Areas



SPC Group announced on March 6, 2022 that it has provided a total of 10,000 emergency relief items for those hit by wildfire in Uljin and Samcheok areas.


SPC Happy Foundation on March 5 and 6, 2022 sent a total of 10,000 relief items, including 5,000 SPC Samlip bread and 5,000 bottles of mineral water, to the fire-damaged regions in Uljin and Samcheok through the Korean Red Cross. These relief aids will be offered to the victims who are staying at shelters, and firefighters.


As firefighting efforts continue and damages are increasing, SPC Group will actively look into sending additional relief aid.


“We donated relief aid to help victims and firefighters who are undergoing difficulties due to the unexpected forest fire,” said a manager at SPC Group. “SPC Group will continue to provide support for regions where our help is needed in the future.”


Under the philosophy of sharing and coexistence of Chairman Hur Young-in, SPC Group has been actively providing relief aid when disasters occur. Maintaining a cooperative relationship with the Korean Red Cross, the Group has provided emergency relief aid and support for the restoration to regions that were hit by natural disasters. In addition, it donated bread, mineral water and epidemic prevention goods for COVID-19 pandemic-addressing teams in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do, 1339 call center at Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency, Korean residents in Wuhan, China and Italy in 2020, and women and children evacuated from Afghanistan via a special plane in 2021.