SPC Group Conducts Non-Contact Employee Giving Campaign


SPC Group (CEO: Hur Young-in) announced on December 1, 2021 that it conducted a Contact-free Employee Giving Campaign and donated KRW 10 million (approximately USD 8,400), which was gained from primarily selling commodities employees donated, to charity institutions.


The campaign is a unique social contribution activity that was designed to induce the participation of Millennials and Generation Z who are accustomed to online activities during the period when donations and voluntary services are reduced due to restrictions on face-to-face activities.


In the campaign conducted by the Happy Volunteer Team at SPC Group for 10 days from October 6, 2021, executive members and employees of the Group donated over 640 commodities. Donated commodities were sold through online platforms for trading second-hand goods and Goodwill Store’s Gangnam Seum Store, and the Group donated KRW 10 million, including proceeds from donated commodities and a substantial amount of cash donation from the Group, to the Yangjae Social Welfare Center and Goodwill Store of Miral Welfare Foundation.


The donated fund will be used for supporting vulnerable people in the Seocho-gu and for creating jobs for handicapped workers at Goodwill Store. Through commodity donation campaigns conducted at the headquarters of SPC Group since 2018, executive members and employees of the Group donated a total of over 6,400 commodities.


“We decided to conduct the donation campaign in an uncommon way of using an online platform for trading second-hand goods that are popular among MZ generations as it is difficult to hold offline events such as bazaar due to COVID-19 pandemic,” said a manager at the Group. “In the future, we will continue to actively donate by developing various ideas for helping neglected people despite environments that hinder donations or volunteer services.”


Meanwhile, SPC Group is conducting the ‘SPC Happy Share Campaign’ by December 31, 2021 through the Happy Point application as part of such non-contact social contributions. This is a customer-participating social contribution in which SPC Group accumulates a certain amount of money and donates for customers when they leave or share cheering comments on stories posted in the Happy Point application. Donations will be used for improving the environments of children who are living in fragile houses.