SPC Conducts Company-wide Voluntary Services for Rural Areas


SPC Happy Foundation, a social welfare entity of SPC (CEO Hur Young-in), announced on May 9 that its executives and employees had participated in voluntary activities for rural communities to relieve their labor shortage.


The volunteer activity of ‘Assisting rural communities’ is part of SPC’s social contributions to visit local farmhouses in need and provide them support. It was planned in collaboration with the ‘Rural Vitality Division’ of Eumseong-gun Office to support farmhouses suffering from labor shortage. This volunteer activity was all the more significant in that it was performed by SPC employees and their families, including employees at the Eumseong factory of BR Korea in celebration of the ‘Family Month’.


SPC selected four flower farms in Eumseong-gun, which were experiencing labor shortages during the busy farming season and assisted their activities such as pot repotting and transporting, and farmhouse cleaning. Furthermore, SPC presented Paris Baguette carnation cakes and refreshment gifts to the elderly in farmhouses to mark Parents’ Day. The group also offered 1,000 pieces of bread from SPC Samlip, 1,000 bottles of mineral water, and donations raised from the BR Korea’s Eumseong factory for the seniors’ association in Samseong-myeon, Eumseong-gun.


An official from SPC Happy Foundation said, “This volunteer activity was designed to lend support to struggling farmers due to insufficient labor during the busy farming season. SPC will discover and fully support local communities in need of help, and continue our endeavors for co-prosperity and cooperation every year.”


Meanwhile, since 2012, SPC has performed a wide range of volunteer activities in which executives and employees participate in order to put the culture of sharing into action. This year, the group carried out joint volunteer services by its executives and employees to create a safe living environment and provide free meal services, recording around 210,000 cumulative volunteer hours so far.