Check out the heartwarming story of Paris Baguette Masan Samgye Store through this video!


SPC is carrying out various social welfare activities under the management philosophy of “sharing is our corporate mission”. In particular, about 6,600 stores across the country that meet consumers directly are showing love for neighbors through voluntary sharing and donation activities. SPC magazine wants to tell the story of the SPC family, including store owners, part-time workers, and employees who help neighbors in need with a warm heart and practice the value of sharing through #BbangGoodPeople (the story of the SPC family with a smile). Meet the third protagonist of #BbangGoodPeople who will impress us with her heartwarming story.


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Bbang Good People – heartwarming stories of the SPC family that will make you smile


Paris Baguette Masan Samgye Store repays the love received by sharing


Store Owner Geumju Yoon has been donating and volunteering at welfare centers near the store for over 20 years.


Located in Masanhoewon-gu, Changwon-si, Paris Baguette Masan Samgye Store is a store that has been taking care of Naeseo-eup town for a long time. Since its opening in 1999, Paris Baguette Masan Samgye Store is communicating with various neighbors, including office workers, university students, and housewives. In particular, they reciprocate the love they receive from their customers by sharing and practicing giving back to the local community every year.


Paris Baguette Masan Samgye Store has been donating and volunteering at the Naeseo Community Welfare Center near the store for over 20 years. It regularly donates clothes and shoes to the Beautiful Store operated by the welfare center and donates products at events such as children’s drawing contests, Day of the Disabled, and senior citizens’ parties. From products that have been loved for a long time, such as red bean bread and soboro bread, to products that children like, such as cheesecake and chocolate cornets. You can get a glimpse of their sincerity through the careful donations, that take into account the age of the participants. In addition, they often participate in programs that require hands, such as piggy bank donation events or kimchi-making events.


Store Owner Geumju Yoon visited the Naeseo Community Welfare Center and directly delivered the donations.


Store Owner Geumju Yoon has received various awards such as the Kyongnam Bank Welfare Foundation Grand Prize, the Kyeongnam Social Welfare Center Association’s Chairman Commendation, and the Social Welfare Day’s Commemorative Provincial Governor’s Award. To this day, she is actively participating in events and volunteer activities at the welfare center by attending quarterly meetings as a member of the operating committee of the comprehensive social welfare center. She did not forget to express her gratitude to the organization, saying, “I wanted to repay the love I received from the neighbors, and since there was an organization near the store where I could share my goodwill, I was able to practice sharing.”


A warm heart delivered with fresh bread


Paris Baguette Masan Samgye Store shows the value of sharing with neighbors through bread


What formed the relationship between Paris Baguette and Store Owner Geumju Yoon was the keyword ‘freshness’. In 1998, while preparing to start a business, Store Owner Geumju Yoon was wondering what products could not be sold online and thought that the confectionery and baking fields that require freshness would not overlap with the products sold on home shopping and Internet shopping, so she considered starting confectionery and baking business. At the time, she chose Paris Baguette, which had differentiated quality with the dormant dough technique that could maintain freshness for a long time.


Store Owner Geumju Yoon strives to deliver fresh bread to neighbors in need


The thing that the Store Owner Geumju Yoon cares about the most when donating products is ‘freshness’. When sending bread, not only does she distinguish between refrigerated and room temperature products, but she delivers it through a meticulous packaging process to prevent the products from spoiling during the transportation process. In hot weather like these days, she pays more attention, such as checking the product and packaging condition one more time.


Store Owner Geumju Yoon said, “Bread is loved by men and women of all ages and can be consumed easily and conveniently anywhere, so I was able to help more neighbors.” And expressed her wish by saying, “I want to become a person who has a positive contribution in making the world a happy place.”


“Volunteering is something you must do when you can, not when you can afford it”


  • 다양한 봉사 및 기부 활동에 동참하고 있는 윤금주 가맹대표

  • 다양한 봉사 및 기부 활동에 동참하고 있는 윤금주 가맹대표

  • 다양한 봉사 및 기부 활동에 동참하고 있는 윤금주 가맹대표

Store Owner Geumju Yoon participates in various volunteer and donation activities.


In addition, Store Owner Geumju Yoon is giving a helping hand to various parts of the local community. This year, she has been participating in meal service at the Geumgang Senior Welfare Center in Happo-gu, Masan for 8 years, and also regularly sponsors sports events held by the Hanuri Inseonghoe, an organization for the disabled located near Haman. In connection with the volunteer organizations, she belongs to, she is donating to Rodem’s House, a foster facility for children without guardians, and is delivering school expenses and scholarships to students who continue their studies after moving out. Before COVID-19, she donated her talent by hosting a cake-making event for multicultural families, middle-aged people living alone, and severely disabled people.


Paris Baguette Masan Samgye Store returns the love received from customers to the local community


It was because of her conviction that she was able to continue sharing for a long time even though there were many things that Store Owner Geumju Yoon had to take care of, from store operations to volunteer work and donations. She engages in volunteer work with the belief that “volunteering should be done when you can, not when you can afford it.” She promised to actively participate in sharing activities in the future, saying that she would not stop volunteering and donating as long as she could.


“I think the biggest impression that a person can leave on a person and a store on a customer is ‘consistency’,” said the Store Owner Geumju Yoon. And conveyed her promise that, “As I have done for 24 years, I will continue to take pride in belonging to Paris Baguette and strive for customer satisfaction and community development.”


Even today, various good deeds are continuing at SPC stores across the country, including Paris Baguette Masan Samgye Store. Please show a lot of interest in the 4th Episode of #BbangGoodPeople, which will impress you with its love for neighbors through voluntary donations and volunteer work.


If there is an SPC family around you who personally practices love and sharing, please write to us at We look forward to your heart-warming stories.