The SPC Group rang in the new year by holding a New Year’s Ceremony to share the major achievements of 2020 and to solidify the new resolves for 2021. This year, it was held as a contact-free event due to the pandemic, allowing SPC executives and employees around the world to come together in real-time.


Contact-free 2021 SPC Group New Year’s Ceremony

Chairman Hur Young-in expressed his gratitude for the hard work by everyone at SPC Group who did their best at their respective positions last year. Furthermore, three keywords were proposed to develop into a company that leads the future in the rapidly changing domestic and international environment because of COVID-19. They are ‘Quality-First Management, Responsible Management, and Change and Innovation.’ The most fundamental aspect of the food industry can be summed up as taste and quality. For this, utilization of the latest ICT technologies was proposed to pursue the ‘Q21 Project,’ construct the world’s best comprehensive quality management system named ‘Quality Management 3.0,’ and to procure high quality raw ingredients. Through this, plans are to concentrate on each and every product and service to elevate the ‘class of work.’


The chairman also encouraged employees that after building the framework for continuous growth, all members of the company should have a sense of rights and responsibilities and become the stewards of responsible management for actively pursuing accomplishments. Plans are to boldly eradicate inefficient practices and to implement fair evaluation and compensation systems for positive motivation. Moreover, the chairman urged to proactively utilize new technologies such as big data and AI in all business fields to realize the ultimate vision of ‘Great Food Company’ while also combining domestic capacities and technologies with local knowhow to advance the global business.


2020 SPC People Awards

2020 SPC People Awards for the Greatest Contributor of the Year

As this year’s awards ceremony was held contact-free, the ‘SPC People Awards’ ceremony for celebrating those who shined during 2020 was held through groupware notifications instead of in-person awards ceremonies. Many achievements were submitted for 2020, which was a year of unprecedented and tough risks. Among then, three teams won the grand prize and eight teams received the runner-up awards for a total of 11 teams to win the ‘SPC People Awards.’



A healthy union of native yeast and lactobacillus – “Sangmijong”


The first winner of the grand prize is the “Development and Successful Launching of the Second-Generation Baking Sourdough, Sangmijong” that was made through the collaboration of the SPC Research Institute of Food and Biotechnology and the Paris Croissant Bread Development Team. ‘Sangmijong’ is a valuable outcome obtained through basic research that continued since 2005 to gain distinguished competitiveness in the global market. It is especially significant because it utilized Korea’s traditional yeast and lactobacillus to procure proprietary technologies, thus becoming the foundation for entering the global market. The SPC Research Institute of Food and Biotechnology announced that it will continue to utilize our sourdough starter to develop high quality products and focus on the research capacities to develop next-generation sourdough.


Highest sales in the world – Paris Baguette ‘Silky Roll Cake’

The second grand prize winner was the Paris Croissant Gift Innovation TFT’s ‘Paris Baguette’s Long-lasting Favorite – Silky Roll Registered in the Guinness Book of World Records.’ The registration of Paris Baguette’s Silk Roll Cake in the Guinness Book of World Records was a long-term project that began in July of 2018. After painstaking efforts such as investigating the sales of roll cakes in bakeries around the world to receive credibility, it was officially certified as the ‘roll cake with the highest sales in the world’ by the Guinness Book of World Records. Even after the certification by Guinness, Paris Baguette has been continuing efforts to maintain quality such as changing the package and using exclusive flour, etc.

First factory with a concept, Fresh Food Factory

The final grand prize for the SPC People Awards went to ‘Contribution to the Growth of the Fresh Convenient Food Business with the Fresh Food Factory.’ The ‘Fresh Food Factory’ was an outcome created through the fluid collaborative system of the three departments of SPC Samlip such as the Fresh Food Team, Fresh Convenient Development Team, and Cheongju Production Center. The winners said that there were four driving forces for the success of the Cheongju Production Center such as positive mindset, sharing pains and pleasures, improving expertise, and the successful launching of the Pig In The Garden. They also stated their aspirations to become a center specializing in fresh foods of SPC through continuous collaboration as the outpost of food technology for the SPC Group.


The 2021 SPC Group New Year’s Ceremony was a meaningful event to take a moment to look back at the efforts of the SPC members who worked tirelessly in a particularly eventful year and to share the new business keywords of 2021. We will continue to do our best to grow as the ‘Great Food Company’ that is the core vision of the SPC Group.